Provider Network
Case Management of Michigan, Inc. works with a large variety of Specialized Adult Foster Care and Community Living Facilities in order to provide a full continuum of care. Facilities range from secure settings to semi-independent apartments with staff supervision.
Name | County/City | Website |
Allegan Enrichment Center | Allegan/Decatur, MI | |
Baseline Creek | Allegan | |
Beacon Services | Multiple Locations | www.beaconserv.org |
Bedford Specialized Care | Battle Creek, MI | |
Calhoun Specialized Care | Battle Creek, MI | |
Cornerstone | Bangor/Coldwater, MI | |
Family Living AFC | Richland, MI | www.familylivingafc.com |
Great Lakes Regional Care | Battle Creek, MI | |
Harmony Enterprises | Plainwell, MI | |
HomeLife, Inc. | Kalamazoo | www.talkhome.net/index.html |
Hope Network | Kent County | www.hopenetwork.org |
Pine Rest/Interactions | Grand Rapids, MI | |
Select Residential | Battle Creek, MI | |
Stoney Oaks | Augusta, MI | www.familylivingafc.com |
Because the status of open beds may change quickly, please contact Carri Timmons to arrange assessments or discuss possible openings at any of these facilities.